Newsletter Photo Competition
Win £50 of Richardson’s Holiday Vouchers Every Month!
In each month’s newsletter we’ll be featuring the best photo sent in to us in that month and the winner will receive a £50 Richardson’s holiday voucher to spend with us.
We’d like to use the photographs in our newsletters, brochures, and on our website and social media as well as in other marketing materials such as newspaper and magazine adverts – or even on the TV! So it’s very important you read the rules before submitting a photograph.
Rules of the Competition.
- All entrants must be UK residents and over 18 years of age.
- By submitting a photograph to us you are asserting that you own the photograph and rights to use the photograph, and that you are allowing Richardsons Leisure Ltd to use the photograph submitted in any marketing materials including but not limited to websites,social media, email, print advertisement, brochures, tv / video advertisement and outdoor advertising.
- Richardsons Leisure Ltd may use the photograph without notifying you.
- One prize of £50-worth of Richardson’s Holiday Vouchers will be sent to a lucky winner each month. There is no cash alternative.
- Winners will be notified by email.
- All bookings made with Richardson’s holiday vouchers are subject to our usual terms and conditions.
- You will not submit any photographs which could be deemed as inappropriate to a family audience.
- One winner will be selected each month. Judges decisions will be final.
- Richardsons Leisure Ltd reserve the right to withdraw this competition at any time.
To enter the competition simply email your photographs with your name and address to